Hubert von Vestra.

Resident of the Initiova System.
Current emperor of Fódlan.
A dreaming visitor. When this body sleeps, I return home.

26 years old. He/They. Garmotere.Aromantic and Pansexual.
Member of a polycule.
( - - - )

"Must you be so dramatic?"

Extra Information. . .

  • As it says on the previous page, I am Hubert von Vestra; former servant to the late Lady Edelgard, who passed on the role of emperor of the Adrestian Empire (and, by proxy, Fódlan,) to me before her untimely death.

  • Unlike in this universe's fiction, I am a Crest Bearer. The Crest in question—the Crest of Nemesis, as Nemesis was, in secret, a Nabatean in our timeline—was forced upon me by TWSITD in my youth, before Lady Edelgard had returned from Faerghus.

  • I was also given a Hero's Relic, created from Nemesis's body: the King's Sword. This sword appeared much like a standard iron sword, transforming into a black-bladed flamberge when used against a Nabatean. I was intended to use it to kill Rhea.

  • In our timeline, the Adrestian Empire allied with the Leicester Alliance (who had Byleth by their side) in our efforts against the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Church of Seiros. Both were crushed, thus leading to the unification of Fódlan.

  • It is to my knowledge that none of the "primary" students (that is to say, those who are focused on in this world's fiction) perished in the war, as we allied with those of the Golden Deer. The Blue Lions were largely spared, as Lady Edelgard attempted to reason with Dimitri during the battle at the Tailtean Plains.

  • Soon after our victory, I married Ferdinand and Bernadetta, Bernadetta sharing a soul with the primary host of the Initiova System. They serve as my consorts as I navigate the task of leading Fódlan to a brighter future.

  • It is my current goal to rid Fódlan of TWSITD, before making movements to open Fódlan's borders that have been closed for quite some time. These efforts are with the assistance of both the Golden Deer and the Blue Lions.

  • As for my affairs with this world, I visit it as I dream in sleep, through some astral connection, initially established to request guidance in bringing the current Bernadetta back to health from an unknown illness.

  • However, seeing as she has now recovered, regardless of my efforts here, I suppose my visits are now...just for fun. :)

  • In truth, I simply enjoy having a place away from home, where the attention is not always focused on me. To be one of hundreds of Hubert von Vestras, only known by a small circle... It is peculiar, yet relieving, in some odd way.

More Extra Information. . .

  • Through my exploits in this world, I have learned of another timeline that I experienced, much like my original: one in which I met a certain universe hopper.

  • In this timeline, Byleth accompanied the Black Eagles, rather than the Golden Deer. However, the Adrestian Empire and the Leicester Alliance still formed an alliance during the war.

  • Some time before Byleth's appearance, Spierce came to our world, initially joining the Golden Deer. Soon after, Hanneman identified her Crest as being the same as my own, unidentified and unnamed.

  • Spierce came to me, inquiring about our Crest. I informed her, in private, of its origins (forced upon me, its original, only bearer,) and insisted that she keep quiet about it, for the sake of not rousing anyone's suspicion.

  • In response, she confessed to me her origins as a universe hopper, explaining that she had arrived in Fódlan to learn swordsmanship. She did not mean to cause any trouble, and apologised for doing so. (I could not blame her.)

  • After speaking with Lady Edelgard, she was transferred to the Black Eagles, so to personally protect her as she studied at the Officer's Academy, seeing as being able to spontaneously gain a Crest would be a point of interest to TWSITD.

  • Right at the beginning of the war, she disappeared, fearful of losing anyone in the ensuing conflict. Five years—almost six—went by before we saw each other again. It had been hundreds for her, seeing as she had been forced to forget about Fódlan by that who "piloted" her soul.

  • Initially, Lady Edelgard and I assumed that her five-year absence was due to her being captured by TWSITD. However, our horror was unfounded, as her sudden white hair was due to other (ironically blood-related) means.

  • During the trip back to Garreg Mach from Arianrhod, she told us of her adventures in other worlds, as well as her new-found confidence in her abilities. I cannot deny feeling relief at her safe return...and pride at her successes.

  • As apologies for having "abandoned us for so long", she assisted us in the final battle against Faerghus and Rhea. I presume that this intervention is possibly what allowed Lady Edelgard to survive (though it pains me to imply that she would ever need rescuing).

  • I'm not quite sure what happened after this point, regarding Spierce's presence. However, we know each other now, and that is what matters most.

Ferdinand von Aegir.

Resident of the Initiova System.
Consort of Fódlan's emperor.
Another dreaming visitor. I am here to experience new things!

24 years old. He/Him.
Trans Man.
Biromantic and Cupiosexual.
Member of a polycule.
( - )

"Let me enjoy the moment, please."

Extra Information. . .

  • My name is Ferdinand von Aegir! I'm sure you know this well, as I used to say it quite often.

  • As it is said in Hubert's extended biography, I am his husband and consort, alongside Bernadetta! I am also the Prime Minister of the Adrestian Empire.

  • I am a trans man! As I got older and disowned my father, I got more comfortable expressing myself in ways that weren't traditionally masculine (such as having long hair).

  • Dorothea helped me quite a lot with this! She and I often discuss gender and sexuality, along with how they are viewed in Fódlan.

  • I learned magic, which I initially did not know much of at all, to begin traveling here! It was simply too interesting to hear of a world so unlike our own. I could not resist!

  • I am not quite as active in the outside world as Hubert is, but I enjoy chatting nonetheless! Please, feel free to ask me any questions you like, or to just strike up a conversation!